Investing in Barbados – Financial and Insurance Opportunities

Barbados presents a wealth of opportunities in financial services and insurance, supported by a favorable business environment, robust infrastructure, and skilled workforce. Investors can benefit from the island’s regulatory framework, experienced professionals, and excellent quality of life.

Financial Services

Barbados has long been a hub for financial services, attracting banks and high-net-worth individuals seeking wealth management solutions. Financial institutions operate under the Financial Institutions Act, which categorizes licenses into four classes:

  • Class 1: Commercial Banks
  • Class 2: Trust Companies, Finance Companies, Merchant Banks, and money or value transmission service providers
  • Class 3: Financial Holding Companies
  • Class 4: Financial institutions qualifying for an FCP

Why Choose Barbados for Financial Services?

  • Sound Business Legislation: Ensures a stable and secure environment for financial operations.
  • Experienced Service Providers: A pool of qualified professionals ready to support financial activities.
  • Reliable Networking Infrastructure: Established systems to support modern financial transactions.
  • Globally Recognized Banks: Presence of internationally acclaimed financial institutions.
  • Expanding Treaty Network: Access to a growing number of international tax and investment treaties.
  • Excellent Quality of Life: A desirable place to live and work, enhancing employee satisfaction and retention.

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Office Space at Erin Court, St Michael


Barbados ranks among the top ten domiciles worldwide for captive insurance business, with a strong presence of Canadian and USA captives. Insurance companies are categorized into three classes, each with its own tax regime:

  • Class 1: Related party insurance business (0% tax rate)
  • Class 2: Third-party business (2% tax rate)
  • Class 3: Insurance intermediaries, holding and management companies, loss adjustors, and assessors (2% tax rate)

Why Choose Barbados for Insurance Services?

  • Experienced Management Companies and Financial Institutions: Ensuring efficient and reliable operations.
  • Cost-Competitive Environment: Lower costs compared to other jurisdictions.
  • Appropriate Regulation and Governance: Ensuring a stable and secure environment.
  • Educated and Experienced Workforce: Ready to support the insurance industry.
  • Ease of Business Incorporation and Licensing: Streamlined processes to get your business up and running.
  • Flexible Solvency Requirements: Adaptable regulations to suit different business needs.
  • No Restrictions on Insurance Business Written: Freedom to operate in various markets.

View Commercial Properties for Sale in Barbados

Prime commercial land in The Pine

Additional Insurance Entities

Barbados also supports the establishment of:

  • Segregated Cell Companies (SCC): Offering the benefits of a captive insurance company without forming an individual captive.
  • Incorporated Cell Companies (ICC): Comprising incorporated cells as separate legal entities with their own directors.
  • Separate Account Companies: Used for single-policy arrangements, particularly life and annuity products, without risking core capital.

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