
Where to look for Business Financing in Barbados

Business Financing in Barbados Looking for business funding to start or expand your business in Barbados? We have put together a list of funding sources which may be able to help you get started in securing a business loan. If you are working and starting a business on the side, your personal income may be able to help you secure your initial startup loan. Fund Access From our...

International Business Types – Barbados, Caribbean

Regular Barbados Companies (RBCs) are generally incorporated under the Companies Act of Barbados and may only carry on international business with permission of the Central Bank of Barbados. Societies with Restricted Liability (SRLs) are organised under the Societies with Restricted Liability Act and may only carry on international business with permission of the Central...

Facts to know when Investing in Barbados

International Business Investing in Barbados Non-national investors will need to submit an application for permission to invest in Barbados to the Exchange Control Authority (ECA). The functions of the ECA have been delegated to the Central Bank of Barbados and are carried out by the Foreign Exchange and Export Credits Department of the Bank. The applications are usually submitted by the...

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