
List of Hurricane Shelters in Barbados

List of Hurricane Shelters in Barbados Barbados has a well-organized network of hurricane shelters to ensure the safety of its residents during tropical storms and hurricanes. The list of shelters includes schools, community centers, churches, and other public buildings strategically located across the island. These shelters are equipped with basic necessities and are designated by the...

Ways to Support Hurricane-Stricken Caribbean Islands

As Hurricane Beryl leaves a trail of devastation in the Caribbean, many of us are looking for ways to help those affected. Here are some effective ways to support the hurricane-stricken islands: 1. Donate to Reputable Organizations Red Cross: Provides immediate relief and long-term support to disaster-affected areas. UNICEF: Focuses on helping children and families in disaster zones. World...

Where’s the best place online to track a Storm?

When it comes to tracking storms, especially in the Caribbean region, having reliable information is crucial. With the frequent tropical storms and hurricanes that impact areas like Barbados, staying informed can make all the difference. Here are some of the best places online to track a storm: 1. National Hurricane Center (NHC) The National Hurricane Center (NHC) is the foremost authority on...

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